Get to know B.O.B.
(Black Owned Business)


Supporting our own, expanding our wealth,

and growing our community. was created in 2016 by Fabiola Fleuranvil with the vision to help grow South Florida’s Black economy. Our community needs this. It’s known that the Black dollar doesn’t circulate for long within our community before it’s spent elsewhere. is more than just a directory. In addition to providing free listing to Black-owned businesses, we have also organized more than 30 free small business training workshops to help Black-owned businesses grow and increase awareness.

Today, there’s more than 700 Black-owned businesses listed in the directory and our goal is to surpass 1,000 businesses.

BlackPagesMiami is a community platform, and submission to the directory is free and will remain free. Please contribute to growing BlackPagesMiami by submitting Black-owned businesses for free inclusion. Together we can make this happen!

Fabiola Fleuranvil – Creator,



Got a question? Want to share a thought? We’d love to chat, so drop us a line!

    [recaptcha size:compact] contains public domain information about businesses, including but not limited to business names, contact details, and the nature of their business. does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, integrity, quality or ownership of any business listed in the directory and also reserves the right to review and delete any business listing, user-submitted listing, or user-submitted business rating, that, in its sole judgment, does not reflect the intention of the website. does not endorse or accept any responsibility for the content, use, or information listed on this website.